Thursday, February 12, 2009

SFG #3: Ambulation.

In this technologically-advanced age, we have all sorts of loony solutions for the problems we've created. Hybrid and electronic cars have been one of the biggest steps into the future. Wow, great- a car that runs without gasoline! Think of all the green points you'll get for that!

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. But we'll get into that later- the point of this post is that the car solution is foolish anyway.

You know what's better? It's something that'll get you into shape, make your life greener, and allow you to appreciate the world around you! It's a forgotten art by many people, who will now hop in the car just to go down the street for some milk. Ready?

Stupid-Free Green Living Tip #3: Walking Is Always Better Than Driving.

I'm sure you're thinking that this tip is too much of a no-brainer even for this blog. But you're wrong! Most people have a set distance that they'll walk to; I say, extend it. Sure, we'll all go for a walk down one street. I'm suggesting that you make it further. For example, most people at the college I attend will drive to the liquor store down the road at least once a week. The drive takes one minute; the distance is half a mile. Walking, it's only 8 minutes.

A similar phenomenon occurs with the local grocery store. It's 1.7 miles away- about a 30-minute walk. For most people, including myself, this seems far too long. After all, that means it'll take you an hour to complete the trip, without factoring in how long you'll be in the store.

I can almost understand driving to the liquor store, because many people buy a large quantity of alcohol at once. However, grocery shopping as a college student isn't going to be a trip for $100 worth of groceries that you need a car to transport. If you're only going to buy a few things, there's no reason to take a car.

Visiting will show you that they even have walking directions now- usually even including details on the availability of sidewalks.

Particularly with the arrival of spring, I'd encourage anyone to try walking instead of taking their car. Sure, that hour's walk to and from the grocery store is going to take up a chunk of your day- but think of it as an hour of light exercise to add to your normal routine. If you're in a low-traffic area, it can also be a great way to relax and take in the world around you. Particularly in spring with all of the birds calling around you, taking a walk is an easy great escape. If you have some major objection to birds, just bring your iPod. Or don't- you might find you warm up to all the sounds around you.

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